powerful womanIt’s International Women’s Day this Sunday and I’d like to call upon women everywhere to harness their extraordinary creative power and stare down this ‘coronavirus’ panic!

From the point of view of living as conscious creators of our lives, it’s just crazy to keep focusing on it and giving it so much energy. It’s a basic principle of life that ‘what we feed, grows’. ‘Where the attention goes, the energy flows.’

The best way to protect yourself and your family is by keeping your and their immune systems resilient, and the best ways to do that are:


  1. Focus on what gives you joy and what energises you; and
  2. Eat live foods! It’s not a popular point of view, but cooking food destroys its vitality. Don’t put out the welcome mat for that virus! Increase your consumption of fresh raw fruits and vegetables.

If this sounds too unscientific for you, check out the work of people like Lynne McTaggart, who has been studying and tracking the ‘power of intention’ for quite a few years now with significant and measurable results in all sorts of arenas, especially health. She and her husband also publish an online magazine called What Doctors Don’t Tell You.  

assorted fruits

For some practical inspiration around diet, Don Tolman is speaking in Melbourne and Perth this weekend. ‘The Wholefood Cowboy’ will no doubt have something thought-provoking to say about this ‘pandemic’…

  • If you’re in Romsey, I’m offering a Creative Writing session this morning as part of Women’s Day festivities, and beginning a course tonight, also at the Neighbourhood House.
  • If Melbourne is easier for you, consider joining the Short Story Writing Course I’m running at CAE this month.

Feedback from the last one:

‘Inspiring, enlightening, quite broad. Brought writing to life, made it personal. Found creativity to do some meaningful writing (in my eyes). Wonderful and engaging teacher.’
‘Too short! Great group of people. Love the dynamic created. Fantastic course structure, material, guidance, skilfully tailored to group of individual enquiry.’
‘My aim in this course was to re-establish writing as a regular practice in mine and my family’s routine. I have done that, and I believe the materials, challenges and people in the course have helped to drive me.’
‘I have enjoyed your classes enormously… a splendid teacher! I particularly enjoyed the last session – the idea of how to turn a person, a feeling or simply something that happens into a story flowed freely’.
‘Excellent: great students and enthusiastic knowledgeable teacher.’
‘Very worthwhile and stimulating. Was unsure of structures initially. V. good for the ‘beginner’ as well as those with some experience.’ 

Woman Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels
Fruit Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels