Writing (& Life) Mastery

Writing (& Life) Mastery

This is a writing course with a difference. ‘Writing (& life) Mastery’ will take you on a deep exploration of your life story just as much as it will take you on an exploration of the story-writing genre. • If you’ve ever struggled with a blank page,...

Looking for Mr Right?

Don’t Look for Mr Right, Or Give Up on Him – Create Him! I recently read an article in which the author, Lori Gottlieb, believes that many women are too fussy in their choice of a life partner. In her opinion, they should settle for Mr Good Enough rather than...

The Perfect Partner

The Perfect Partner – Perfect for What? A first-hand account of the retrieval of a drowning relationship. “Describe your perfect partner,” someone asks you. “Okay,” you say. “Tall, good-looking, riveting eyes, sex appeal, intelligent, sensitive, honest, good...

Instant Mastery! – Just Add Water

In July 2006 I launched my first book, The Mastery Club, in the wake of – and setting off – an absolute explosion of little miracles. For one thing, world inspirational speaker and author Dr John Demartini happened to agree to read my manuscript and in...