“In this upcoming webinar Expert Xyz is going to reveal the shocking truth about…”

We have probably all been hooked by lines like this, and yet, even though we’ve now seen and heard it all (and are feeling jaded as a result of repeated, often empty promises), marketers keep dragging those lines out (and we keep clicking the link…). In this blog, some thoughts about it…

Image courtesy Andrea_Piacquadio and Pexels

To my mind there are two problems with ‘the shocking truth’ approach:

  1. The word ‘shocking’: It’s emotive language. Let the facts speak for themselves. Good writing teaches not to overuse adjectives – some writing teachers say not to use them at all. ‘He punched the wall’ is much more impactful and believable than ‘he was angry’. Give us the facts and let us determine what they mean or imply rather than giving us interpretations and rhetoric.
  2. The word ‘truth’: This  strikes me as being the ultimate arrogance. You might believe you have the truth, but again, just give me the facts and let me evaluate them for myself. After all, as we are increasingly seeing, the ‘truth’ comes in layers. First we think ‘this’ is the truth, then, with time and another perspective, we gather that ‘the truth’ is bigger than that; over a greater period of time, and with even more perspectives, our view changes yet again, as it should.

Is there one ultimate, absolute truth? I think so, when it comes to overarching universal principles, but when it is a case of individual experience, ‘truth’ takes on a different meaning, hence my example above: as our perspective enlarges, our sense of the truth alters. It also seems to me that there is something odd about the expression, ‘my truth’ because the word ‘truth’ implies one sole, factual truth; to my mind, those ‘my truths’ seem to be simply perspectives. 

On the other hand, if we are each the centre of our world and everyone/everything else is a supporting actor or factor in our drama, it is also appropriate to say that we each hold ‘the truth’. (I’m enjoying a fascinating journey down the rabbit hole of Simulation Theory at the moment. See below.)

There is no lack of shocking information at the moment. The post-covid, post-jab research that is now descending upon us in an avalanche is proving, without a doubt, that the crazy conspiracy-theorists were correct. And there is a torrent of information assailing us regarding fraudulent corrupt government and judiciary. (I witnessed someone in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday being shouted down by an irate magistrate who would not allow him to represent himself, which is his absolute right in Law.) Those are just two areas; the iceberg is huge.

But while all this does truly fit the definition of ‘shocking’, when you are exposed to an endless inundation of ‘shocking’, after a while that descriptor loses its power. When ‘everything’ is shocking, nothing stands out as shocking. To truly impact the reader, consider simply offering facts.

‘Blue Jeans Angel’ image courtesy Swissrock-II and Visual Hunt

Simulation Theory

In my Mastery Club 10-Lessons Program I make reference to the idea that the world is a hologram. The proof of this apparently lies in the fact that a hologram contains the whole in each part, and we certainly see evidence of that: the whole body is reflected in the spine, the iris, the foot, the hand, the ear, etc., and our bodies contain all the elements of the universe. As William Blake’s famous poem goes, ‘To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wildflower…’

I’m no expert on Simulation Theory and will probably get this wrong, but my understanding of it is that we humans walking about on this Earth are avatars of an Oversoul; our true selves are immortal and we have entered this artificial realm of limitation for the experience, to enhance our Source. It’s not unlike the concept presented in The Matrix, although perhaps not as clunky (sleeping bodies in baths, plugged into…). 

This is why the Hindus referred to our existence as ‘Maya’ or illusion, and the (‘Ab’)Originals as the ‘Dreamtime’. This existence feels very real, as all dreams do – we experience it sensorily through our Central Nervous System but it’s all a dream. Eventually, we’ll wake up and return to immortality, taking with us the lessons learnt here. (It’s interesting how much fiction ends like this: “I woke up. It was all just a dream…”)

We have to believe this is real or we wouldn’t fully engage with this dimension. We’d think, “I’m not worried about that war/ threat of torture/ bankruptcy/ divorce/ tumour because it’s just a dream’, and then we wouldn’t invest ourselves, our hearts and minds, into overcoming and transforming – i.e. into growing. So this realm was set up to be very convincing, just as all objects and bodies are convincingly solid even though quantum physics has proven that they are mostly empty space.

If you’re curious to explore this model further, I recommend Jason Breshears’ site www.archaix.com (Advanced Research into Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence X) Nothing might make sense at first, but if you persist, you’ll find the fall down this rabbit hole interesting all the way… I especially recommend his book, Awaken the Immortal Within.

In other news…

• I hope you are aware that the Voice to Parliament is a Trojan Horse designed to rob the Original People of their sovereignty – and take all people’s property rights with them. A NO vote may not succeed due to the current level of corruption of the fraudulent government but a Yes vote shoots us all in the foot, indigenous and newcomers alike.

• I hope you are aware of the ACMA Bill – Australian Communications and Media Authority – that is endeavouring to establish such draconian legislation that even free speech on one’s own website will be banned.

• I hope you have joined some sort of Freedom group for company and inspiration and resources along the way. One good source is www.myplaceaustralia.org.

Much love to you as we co-create this shared Dream…