If you’re interested in relationships or how people navigate big life changes, you might enjoy my interview with Anne Wicking and Sue McDowall. Their Pivot Point Podcast is a series of conversations with people who undertook a significant change in their life direction – a fabulous topic for a podcast!

Those who have been following my blogs over the last few years, will know that my life took a sudden and very abrupt new direction a few years ago when my much-loved partner of 29 years and I parted ways and I married someone I had only just met… A little crazy but I felt strongly intuitively called to do so.

This interview is about my journey and process of navigating complex relationships and big decisions. (Answer to question above? The Perfect Partner is perfect for our growth.)

Here’s a link to their show on Spotify (it’s Episode 21)and their website. I share three tips to do with intuition, risks, and a balanced perspective. Thank you, Anne and Sue – I enjoyed the interview!