Years ago, I attended a personal development event during which the speaker drew a box on the white board, filled it with random letters, and said: ‘I know my spelling isn’t great, so if I make any mistakes, feel free to grab whatever letters are wrong from this box and just make the corrections yourself.’ 

I’ve provided you with a box of Vs above, so that as I tell my story about The Iris and the Axe, any time a word doesn’t make sense to you, feel free to grab a ‘v’ from the box and attach it to the word.

Here we go…

Once upon a time, just over a year ago, there was a great hoohah about a certain iris that had sprouted in China and then spread across the world. The leaders of the world were clearly all of the same mind because they each gave identical instructions to their people regarding care of this iris. Soon after, specialists emerged with different advice. The conflicting information was confusing: some of the irises flourished, which was not a great thing, and some died rapidly, which was a good thing.

(If this story isn’t making sense, remember to add a ‘v’.)

The storytellers of our time were fascinated with the iris and loved to repeat tales of how it was spreading and flourishing. In fact, they and the leaders seemed to think it might take over the world. Much as they seemed to love this troublesome iris, they also seemed to want its demise.

An axe was proposed.

You might think that an axe is overkill for a delicate iris, and you would be right. Especially as the iris was quite easily extinguished via more environmentally safe means, but the leaders were excited about their axe idea and before long they had three brands of axe on the market.

(If you are a little confused, remember to add a ‘v’.)    

The ordinary people assumed that they had to use an axe since it was so widely recommended and no one seemed to want people to get about with irises on their person. They were told that they wouldn’t be able to go to concerts or visit their elderly or travel if they didn’t have an axe with them. (A little scary… Imagine all those axes around the place!)

But an unexpected development occurred: some axe specialists observed that little bits of the axe were falling away when it was used, and these splinters were causing problems with other people, whether they had their own axe or not.

Some thought the problem was caused by a proliferation of shedding associated with the spread of the iris, but others argued that the problem was those splinters – that there was something nefarious in the design of the axe, a kind of built-in obsolescence, except that it wasn’t so much the breakdown of the axe but of the owner of the axe and those nearby…

I’ve probably taken this story as far as it can go without becoming ridiculously absurd. (It already is ridiculously absurd.)

If you’d like to delve further into the tale of the iris and the axe, explore the following links and check out the experts mentioned in my previous blogs/e-newsletter.

May you enjoy any irises you experience, knowing that their passage through your life will most likely only enhance your health. And lock any axes safely away – along with their manufacturers.


Important – Thought-Provoking – Useful – Inspiring…

Tom Barnett – Can you catch a virus?

The Contagion Myth: Sally Fallon Morell, Thomas Cowan, M.D. and Mike Adams debate the plandemic

Dr Amanda Vollmer: Hear me Loud and Hear me Clear – It’s a Con

There is no such thing as covid; when you poison your body on a continual basis, your body has to get rid of the waste. Symptoms are produced to remove the waste; they are the body’s mechanism for healing. Symptoms = healing. Rewire your brain. No vaccine has ever saved a life – ever in the history of humanity. They were designed to manipulate, control, damage and promote fake germ theory so you are easy to manage and control. Putting you under a deep hypnotic spell. All made up in a board room, like they are making up the next one. SPARS is next. There is no covid. This is about taking your freedoms and rights away. If you suppress it, it comes back – and usually worse. (Be infertile.) If it was really helpful, they wouldn’t give it away. Will be many deaths this spring/northern hemisphere fall.

‘Fauci lied, people died’ is not just a placard: the evidence is out now, from his emails, that covid-19 is a man-made disease, that it has a gain-of-function aspect to it (designed to be harmful), and that the data showed that masks won’t work. More below.

America’s frontline doctors: 2-minute film re protecting the children

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sounds the alarm over genocidal crimes of Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates

Interview: Leigh Dundas warns covid tyranny “almost a second Holocaust

Dr. Lee Merritt interviewed by the Health Ranger: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity

Dr. Carrie Madej tells the Health Ranger that covid vaccines use exotic nanotech for tracking and bio-control

Dr. Christiane Northrup gives new details on covid vaccine shedding / transmission, especially among women

HIGHLIGHTS Dr. Lee Merritt warns about covid vaccine shedding and transmission

Dr. Judy Mikovits warns spike protein “vaccine” injections may kill 50 million Americans

Larry Cook from reveals vaccine WAR on humanity

Vaccine Research Expert – You’re Experimenting on Children!!

FDA will not be approving these jabs

The vaccine wasn’t created to ‘save us’ from a pandemic; the plandemic was created so we would take the vaccinea great reel: some powerful memes; an angry Aussie (language warning); how the CDC creates fake epidemics including polio (also known as septic meningitis); the ‘Great Reset’ agenda; fake results from the PCR test; White House falsifying deaths; Gates admits depopulation agenda; not a vaccine; is genetic engineering that will create an Auto-Immune Disease (= AIDS), Rockefellers connection to Big Pharma, Hitler, war, petrochemical basis of drugs, grants to American Medical Association, information re natural remedies attacked, petrochemical drugs causing cancer so R sets up the American Cancer Society and suppresses the truth, medical error third cause of death, billions spent by pharma to lobby government; millions of dollars in foetal body parts sold by Planned Parenthood; media using green screens – advice from CIA operative to not watch TV as it is used to indoctrinate us; CIA drugging America and creating the counterculture movement via LSD; power elites ultimate hypocrisy as they establish rules for the rest of the world that include mandatory vaccines and banning single-family homes; Operation Lockstep, Luciferase – tracking system digital chip in the hand; vaccine agenda exposed by ex-FEMA officer; nanoparticles in vax to turn us into factories that will churn out non-human proteins; risk to blood-brain barrier of PCR rest; vaccine injury; 13 common-sense points re the plandemic; conversation at a checkpoint; Professor Dolores Cahill: zero vaccines have passed animal studies – they are experimenting on humans – real deaths will come in Jan/March in northern hemisphere as immune system will try to battle normal colds and viruses and will start to attack your own organs within a week; Nurmeberg trials ‘following orders’ doesn’t count -> Nuremberg Code established; ex-Pfizer Yeadon warns against the vaccine; Robert Kennedy Jr: ‘the only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear’; Elon Musk: ‘you can do anything with synthetic RNA – it’s a computer program; US Bill re banning most firearms; Oprah freezes; newborn babies wearing masks; Byron Bay agrees it’s a scam; feature film that anticipates the virus agenda; school students obey ridiculous rules – ‘We don’t need no education, we don’t need no thought control’; London protest rally

Mikki Willis, creator of the documentary, Plandemic, talks about how we can heal from division and recover from the plandemic

I’ve lost track of the links to disturbing videos about people demonstrating magnets sticking to them after the jab, of showing high EMF readings and even digital ID numbers and the injection site glowing…

CDC acknowledges heart risks to young people

Minors may consent to receive c19 shot even without parents’ knowledge

The law/ cease and desists letters: (Many lawsuits are being filed.)

Urgent petition warning FDA against premature c19 vax approval

Only 9% of verified cases died of covid = 152, not the claimed 17000

Vax passport to travel? No way, despite family o/s this Jew says

Who owns the media and Big Pharma? Very compelling presentation linking almost all big corporations

The injuries following the axe vastly exceed those following the iris

FDA heart inflammation warning re the axe

CDC experts disagree about the appropriateness of Pfizer covid boosters

No compensation for covid vaccine injury

‘We made a big mistake’: design of the vax is dangerous

Inventor of MRNA technology is very concerned because lipid nanoparticles accumulate

Doctors condemn censorship regarding vaccine risks

Heart inflammation linked to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

Pfizer now testing on infants

If you’ve had covid and recovered do you need to get the jab?

Press conference in which families injured by the c19 jab speak

Mother re her previously healthy vaccine-injured son

Boy dies after Pfizer axe

19 year old dies of heart problems after Moderna axe

21-year-old severe heart inflammation after Moderna axe

Mother dies after AstraZeneca axe

Autopsy evidence of V*axe harm

Delta variant not so dangerous

A student takes on her school’s covid vaccine policy and wins

There are fewer cases of autism and allergies in unvaccinated kids

Six-in-one vaccine cocktail being designed for kids in defiance of health concerns

What we know now about COVID-19 and children: 

  • Almost 100% of kids don’t suffer from severe COVID. In fact, many have no symptoms at all. Thus, they may have already had COVID which is another excellent reason not to get the vaccine. 
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that young people should not take the vaccine. 
  • concerning number of young people, especially those under 30, are suffering from myocarditis (heart inflammation), blood clots, low platelets and more following COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • The risks of COVID-19 vaccination adverse outcomes certainly outweigh the benefits to children and young adults who are considered low risk populations. 
  • Parental rights to make independent, informed decisions regarding their children’s medical interventions, including vaccines, are being threatened
  • Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risk of COVID-19 vaccinations have been underestimated. As of June 11, there have been 352,386 adverse events including 5,993 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • Clinical trials in children and young adults are ongoing and will not be completed for at least one year. 
  • Not a single published study has demonstrated that patients who have had a prior COVID-19 infection benefit from the vaccination. So why recommend all kids get the shot?

Covid and the jab are the latest and worst attack against our health by government; here’s an oldie

This is how young it starts

Junk food targets kids

Nestlé products are junk food

The Creator of Irises in computers sidesteps to ‘health care’ and from there into climate control – Bill Gates planning a climate disaster

New study exposes dirty masks

World renowned pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson expresses alarm

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled “Are COVID vaccines riskier than advertised?” shot a warning to CDC officials and ended with this paragraph: 

Public-health authorities are making a mistake and risking the public’s trust by not being forthcoming about the possibility of harm from certain vaccine side effects. There will be lasting consequences from mingling political partisanship and science during the management of a public-health crisis.

Musicians: Van Morrison and Roger Waters, founder of Pink Floyd against lockdowns, Eric Clapton re his vaccine injury

Weedkiller risks to our health

Roundup linked to Parkinson disease