women at sunsetOkay, at one level that’s a weird question because obviously anyone can set goals, and certainly anyone who needs to achieve a big task is wise to break it down into achievable goals. But I thought I’d share a few related ideas about feminine energy and the goal-setting process…

For example, have you heard of Claire Zammit and her organisation Feminine Power / Evolving Wisdom? She offers some wonderful courses (that I intend to do some time soon!) in which she explains her perspective that men and women should go about their goals in quite different ways

because men are more externally-oriented and focused (refer physiology!) and women are more internally-oriented and ‘diffuse’ (ditto!).

Claire warns that you can’t do your new powerful game-changing thing on top of your old story/pattern. The latter will always pull you down… unless you decommission it! That seems like common sense for both men and women, but she makes the point that it’s particularly self-defeating for women to go into action if our goals are not progressing. She provides clues to identifying the limiting ‘I am’ belief that is undermining us, and a five-part formula for creating our desired destiny in her courses and some free info.

Here’s another juicy snippet: you have probably heard of ‘Abraham Hicks’, Abraham being ‘a wise resource’ channelled by spiritual teacher Esther Hicks. I’ve been listening to her recordings more often lately because their material is so deeply nourishing, accepting and inspiring when you’re going through a low patch (which I’ve been doing).

woman looking in mirrorThe guidance they offer is that going into action on your goals is the last thing you should be doing if you’re experiencing any doubt about the goal. If you’re clear and in the flow and on track, goals are fine, but if you’re experiencing any anxiety, the more you pursue the goal, the more anxiety… Better, they advise, to do anything else – anything that will make you feel good!

The pattern interrupt is a tried and true strategy in so many instances. In this case, shifting your energy into a ‘better feeling state’ is the x-factor to realising your desires. They recommend doing anything that raises your emotional energy even a little, whether it’s generating anger to shift out of apathy, or watching a funny movie, or having a snooze till the troubling thoughts pass, or taking a moment to pause and appreciate something, anything, as much as you can…

That said, there’s nothing like a woman buddy for accountability when you do have goals! (Thanks, S!)

More juice for women!

  • Last week I was ‘interviewed’ by Camille Thurnherr, who assists women in magnetising love and opportunities. You can listen to our conversation about relationships and the Hero’s Journey here. (I make an offer at the end of the conversation for Camille’s community – and it’s equally available to you.) 
  • On Friday 29th November I’m MC’ing and running a couple of mini-workshops at U-Night, an event designed to nourish women. The purpose is to raise funds for those affected by domestic violence. Psychotherapist Anita Bentata will be the keynote speaker, along with MP Maryanne Thomas, but the focus of the evening will be on fun and stimulating (or pampering) mini workshops, and there will be quite a few, including one led by Parenting and Performance Coach Stephanie Kakris, who has just launched her Parenting Oracle Cards. Location: Romsey Neighbourhood House. More information: 03 5429 6724 (Bookings essential)

Photo of women at sunset courtesy Dennis Magati, Pexels, and woman smiling in the mirror courtesy Bruce Mars, Pexels.