Nicky Manning

Last blog I mentioned that I have a new Mastery Club Facilitator on board. Nicky Manning first contacted me five years ago expressing interest in training as a facilitator – but life had other ideas! (No straight lines…)

When her family decided to start home educating in 2019, she contacted me with plans to begin the school week with a Mastery Club session. The group would include her 12-year-old daughter, her daughter’s friend (also home-schooling), and her 24-year-old daughter-in-law, and we’d meet via Skype due to the distances.

We scheduled our sessions for 9 a.m. Mondays and, aside from the odd technical issue, soon I was visiting their lounge room via Skype and leading them through the 10-week course.

The beauty of this program is that it combines powerful information about the mind and universal laws (via video clips, stories and activities) with a goal-setting support group. Each person chose a goal to achieve by the 10th session.


There are no straight lines in the universe! We set a goal and are typically challenged in the process of achieving it. Like the old saying, ‘Love brings up everything unlike itself’, we soon find ourselves dealing with all the personal limitations that stand in the way of us quickly and easily realising our goal. So the process can detour this way and that, and sometimes we find that we choose a goal that we aren’t, after all, particularly committed to.

So hooray for this valiant team of women! Hannah set up her healing room and is now taking clients, Nicky quit smoking and is feeling healthier, Summer taught her pony to canter, and everyone learnt a lot about themselves! 

Soon after the program Nicky said she wanted to train as a Mastery Club Facilitator and her first program is currently underway with eight women and two men! The perfect way to educate and support our children is by creating home cultures that set a brilliant example by living and sharing empowering ideas. The family is the prime Mastery Club: a place where we inevitably support and challenge each other in achieving our goals.

Nicky already has a waiting list for a new program to begin early 2020 in Mt Evelyn. If you’re interested, please contact her. (I think one of her new-year goals will be to treat herself to a bigger and better marketing picture!)

As for the ‘no straight lines’ dictum, I began teaching Mastery Club programs back in 2007, reached a peak of achievement with courses running here and in several other countries, and then experienced a lull in activity. So it’s wonderful to see it kick on again!

Meanwhile a couple of reminders:

Saturday October 26th I’m speaking with my sisters in the inaugural ‘Bent Sisters’ presentation about literature, family, trauma and more at the Mentone Public Library from 12.30 pm following an 11-12 pm presentation by my sister Anita Bentata, author of The Wolf In A Suit, long-time psychotherapist and domestic violence educator. She is speaking on ‘The 7 Secrets Inside Relationship Abuse’ and ‘Fairy Tales and Truths for Women, the Community and Professionals’.

To RSVP: 9583 5648 or

That same day my writing client David Gillman is launching his book, ReWrite Your Life about his journey in not killing himself, aged 12, and the strategies he used to get his life back on track after years of bullying and depression. The location is Dromkeen Homestead, Riddells Creek. (I plan to catch the end of it!)

To RSVP, or call 0421 694 243.