How would you respond if you’d lived a healthy, active life and were then suddenly given a terminal breast cancer diagnosis? Janette Murray-Wakelin was told she had six months to live. While she wasn’t drawn to any of the ‘cut, burn or poison’ options, she agreed to surgery because of the pressure exerted on her. Not only was this surgery scheduled to fit in with the surgeon’s golfing calendar, but it created complications of its own. (Look up ‘iatrogenic disease’.)

Having been vegetarian for years, Janette became a raw vegan, and today mostly eats fruit. She has been cancer-free for 20 years. In 2016 she had her husband ran 366 marathons, one every single day as they circumnavigated Australia (including Tasmania) in an attempt to demonstrate what is possible when fuelled by fruit. They were in their 60s.

Janette shares the cause of her cancer and describes her diet and lifestyle today. Inspiring content as I launch my new novel ‘Power of the Light’, about a boy whose father has cancer.

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