Here’s a link to an excellent presentation by an Australian doctor of 30 years’ experience in which he covers all aspects of the covid experience – virus, masks, vaccine, etc. – revealing facts that are not shared on mainstream media

This is the presentation by Dr Vladimir Zelenko to the Israeli politicians. Dr Zelenko has successfully treated 6000 covid patients and doesn’t believe a vaccine is necessary.

And here’s another: Dr. Destroys the Entire COVID Narrative @StandOnPrinciples:Dr Richard Fleming presents a science-based three-hour lecture about the virus, PCR test, ‘vaccine’, etc. Like many doctors speaking out, Dr Fleming has been disbarred and denied a hearing for his views. I invite you to assess for yourself. 

This is excellent. This guy was in advertising and then stage hypnosis to audiences of 1000. He shows clips of his shows and explains what he is doing and then compares them to what he describes as the ‘mass hypnosis’ that is happening today – the government’s deliberate manipulation of people’s thoughts and feelings.

Reiner Fullmich is one of the lawyers leading international class actions against the bodies that have been controlling the narrative. This site answers many questions.

Dr Carrie Madej explains some of the dangers of the new injections.

The Covid Medical Network shares updates from around the world.

Dr Bryan Ardis, exposes Fauci’s dark agendas.

In sum:

– The virus: Covid-19 is merely a seasonal flu, as acknowledge by the CDC in March 2020. (Doctors used to say that if you have a virus, you just go back to bed and sleep it off. Still true…) Survival rates for most people are around 99.7%. It’s only those who are immuno-compromised who are at risk. People can and do die from influenza but that is not unusual and in no previous year has this been treated as a pandemic. Interestingly, in 2020 and 2021 the statistics for influenza dropped off the chart… Re-named ‘covid-19’, perhaps?

– A pandemic should be measured in deaths, not cases, and once one has had the illness, one has immunity. If we have no symptoms, we are not sick. 

– Doctors were instructed to falsely list all deaths as covid deaths even when untrue (see Dr Scott Jensen, MD and member of Senate.)

– Patents exist for the virus going back many years. (See Dr David Martin, a financial ethics advisor) No one is allowed to patent a naturally-occurring substance. Was this virus engineered? So it seems… Partnership between Fauci/Wuhan Lab/Fort Detrick and others, as revealed in Fauci’s emails and other information/from whistleblowers. 

– Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, says it was not designed to diagnose; further, it is being run at 35+ cycles when it shouldn’t be run at more than 24 – the higher acceleration produces false positives (which is how they are driving the narrative). The q-tip contains ethylene oxide, a dangerous ingredient that is both a carcinogen and mutagen.

– Masks do not work: viruses go straight through them and instead they suppress immune systems and are dirty and are being used the wrong way (20 min per mask max!) – many many doctors, scientists, anaesthetists and more saying this. Masks are also contaminated with dangerous ingredients. 

– Lockdown has caused WAY more death and illness than the virus. Youth suicide attempts have doubled. Small business is going bankrupt. Anxiety is way high. Fear, anxiety, lowered oxygen, reduced exercise etc. are all contributing to the ’second waves’ – it’s common sense that a depressed immune system will make one more susceptible to illness.

– There ARE simple remedies for the virus that include hydroxychlororquine, ivermectim, vitamins D, C, zinc and others. (Dr Zelenko successfully treated 6000 with this sort of protocol.) All cheap and accessible and safe, but doctors have been forbidden from prescribing them (risk of fines, imprisonment and de-registration – see first link above re doctor of 30 years). The reason for suppressing these remedies? To rush through the vaccines.

– Hawaiian whistleblower Abrien Aguirre, a Board-Certified Occupational Therapist, observed that all patients arriving at his nursing facility (for geriatrics) were immediately tested for covid and admitted as covid patients even when they arrived as a result of heart attack, renal failure, COPD or other health issues. He observed patients being listed as covid deaths when actually they’d had terminal illnesses. He observed the billing department have therapists change a billing code from pulmonary disorder or COPD to covid in order to receive higher reimbursement. He was surprised that there was no Infectious Diseases Nurse or Doctor running the covid unit…

– The ‘vaccines’ are all still in experimental phases which means that everyone who takes them is participating in a medical experiment – and without being properly informed! None of these experimental drugs (which are actually gene therapies) have been through the years or rigorous testing that are required for a vaccine to be considered safe. 

Children should absolutely NOT be vaccinated. They are not susceptible to covid in the first place and they most certainly do not pass it on. That is all fear-mongering.

. Ex-Pfizer executive Dr Michael Yeadon is speaking out passionately against them (and he is not an anti-vaxxer!).

. The creator of the mRNA vaccine, Robert Malone, is speaking out against them (and he is not an anti-vaxxer!).

. Dr Peter McCullough, who has written more peer-reviewed papers on these kinds of conditions is speaking out against them (and he is not an anti-vaxxer!).

They and many others are warning against having the injections and definitely against the boosters as the result will be autoimmune disease because the spike protein that is created is designed to attack the body’s own proteins. So far, the deaths from the jab far outweigh deaths from the virus. In the few months since the injections were begun there have been more deaths than in the previous 40 years from ALL vaccines to date. Why are they not calling a halt??!!

– Author and entrepreneur Naomi Wolf has sounded the alarm that if the vaccine passport goes ahead, it is the end of freedom and democracy for the world.

– Psychiatrist Dr Peter Bregger and Ginger Bregger’s 600-page manuscript, Covid-19 and the Global Predators – We are the Prey is available for free from his website:

The question is why? Why are they doing this? 

The answer is disturbing and not a conspiracy – there is published information on this, but all withheld from mainstream media or labelled as misinformation. It is particularly shocking that Israelis have lined up for the jab given their history with medical experimentation, tracking (star-of-david armbands), lockdowns (ghettoes), betrayal by snitches… 

As Max Igan says:

‘If you think this is about a virus, read a history book.’

‘The pandemic is an IQ test.’

‘A vax passport is not freedom; it’s tyranny.’