100AUDIf I handed you a $100 bill, would you…

  1. buy something that makes you feel good?
  2. save it?
  3. pay a bill?
  4. give it away?

Your answer reveals something of your money personality, your values, and your childhood programming.

It’s important to value ourselves, so (a) can be a worthy option, especially if we rarely treat ourselves. But if we can’t hold onto money, if

we spend it as soon as it comes in, we are heading in the direction of a financial crisis. The ability to ‘delay gratification’ is one of the key markers determining our likelihood of creating wealth. It also reveals our character.

Saving (b) is a wise option, but are you parking your money briefly so that you can then spend it, or are you locking it away in a prosperity account that you will never touch, that will build and generate a feeling of wealth and security? Either is good, but if you can manage both, you are heading in the direction of far greater abundance.

Paying a bill (c) will generate feelings of relief and even virtue: you are being responsible! You are handling your debts! But those who are masterful with money tend to pay themselves (i.e. their savings) first, and pay off debts second.

You will feel generous and good about yourself if you give the $100 away (d), and of course you’ll be enhancing someone else’s life or situation, but if you don’t build your own resources, you won’t have an ongoing pool from which to sustain your generosity.

abundance agricultureThe moral of the story is to

  • prioritise saving (especially create a long-term untouchable savings account),

and then be in a position to

  • pay your bills,
  • nourish and pleasure yourself, and
  • support the people and activities that inspire you.

If you’d like to read more about the four money personalities, see my article in Money & Finance Magazine. And, of course, consider picking up a copy of Quest For Riches, a book that teaches the principles of good money management through a story about four teenagers and their trip to India.

Many people are extra stressed financially right now due to the lockdown and economic pressures it is causing.

I’m holding the vision of an evolutionarily advanced outcome that enables the ordinary, well-intentioned person to bypass governmental fear and inappropriate control so that creative resourceful human beings are able to carry on producing their goods and being of service to each other! Please join me in holding this vision.

And if you would like to join a 21-day Abundance Meditation Program, please contact me. This is a program created by Deepak Chopra that I’m currently participating in and enjoying so much that I am now sharing it with those I care about. That includes you! There is no cost, just 15-30 minutes of your time each day, and you can complete the daily task and meditation when it suits you.

Photo of $100x courtesy Visual Hunt and Maestro_AU. Photo of abundant agriculture courtesy Pexels and Ian Turnell.