On the Ark with Pollyanna and Elke!

On the Ark with Pollyanna and Elke!

Do you enjoy re-reading books that you loved when you were a kid? A little while ago I wanted to re-read Pollyanna, and find out if she really was ‘excessively cheerful or optimistic’, since that is her current reputation according to the dictionary and popular...
The Lion is Waking! Long Live the Lion!

The Lion is Waking! Long Live the Lion!

I heard a wonderful analogy about current times a week ago. Some weak old men have tranquillised a big powerful lion and are rushing to build a cage around it before it wakes up. They’re having problems, losing screws, etc., and are scrambling to get the job...
Are there Two Powers or just One?

Are there Two Powers or just One?

I was about to promote an upcoming talk at the I-CANN group in Surfers Paradise last week when I was called home to Melbourne.  My 92-year-old father is withdrawing from the world and is now in Palliative Care. So the talk has been postponed and I’m here watching...
Two Wings of the Same Bird? Majors Last.

Two Wings of the Same Bird? Majors Last.

It does increasingly seem as if Liberal and Labour are two wings of the same bird where corruption is concerned. We don’t see them in service to We, the People, as they should be, but running amuck on their own agendas.It’s entirely...