by liliane_grace | Oct 1, 2020 | Interviews
How would you respond if you’d lived a healthy, active life and were then suddenly given a terminal breast cancer diagnosis? Janette Murray-Wakelin was told she had six months to live. While she wasn’t drawn to any of the ‘cut, burn or poison’ options, she agreed to...
by liliane_grace | Sep 21, 2020 | My books
From childhood Jasna Kasovac had recurring back aches and eye infections to the point of losing her sight for periods of time. Finally a practitioner identified the cause: the auto-immune disease spondylitis. The solution offered was a lifetime on medication. Jasna...
by liliane_grace | Sep 17, 2020 | Mastery
‘Spiritual evolution can only take place within the dark epoch. Only here can the choice be made between fear or love.’ – Peter O Erbe, God I Am – From Tragic to Magic I’ve been asked to share my perspective on the state of the world from a ‘Law of Attraction’ point...
by liliane_grace | Sep 7, 2020 | My books
How would you respond if you’d lived a healthy, active life and were then suddenly given a terminal breast cancer diagnosis? Janette Murray-Wakelin was told she had six months to live. While she wasn’t drawn to any of the ‘cut, burn or poison’ options, she agreed to...
by liliane_grace | Sep 1, 2020 | Interviews
Have your leg amputated or try a more wholistic response? When Yvonne Chamberlain was told she had a dangerous melanoma on her leg and would require amputation, she walked in the opposite direction and ended up in Mexico and then the Gerson Institute, seeking health...
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