The Boy Who Found His Pulse

The Boy Who Found His Pulse

Don Tolman is known as the Indiana Jones of whole foods. His understanding of ancient teachings about the body, the mind and the cosmos itself have assisted many people in restoring their health, even when they were facing dire prognoses like never walking again or...
The Boy Who Barked

The Boy Who Barked

Dr John Demartini is an internationally renowned author, speaker, educator and philosopher who has touched the lives of close to 2 billion people around the world with his revolutionary insights about life, love and the state of the world. Dr Demartini began life as a...
The Champion Series

The Champion Series

The Champion Series is a series of picture books for children aged 7-10. These books tell the stories of modern-day leaders who persisted through many challenges until their childhood goal was achieved. Conceived by Robert Kennaugh, author of Family Magic, and Liliane...
Quest for Riches

Quest for Riches

This book was written for young adults who want to flourish financially. It’s a fictional story about how to develop financial intelligence and a strong money mindset. Discover the four ‘money personality types’ (which one are you?) as teenagers Toni, Eric, Jackson...
Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker

Need a dynamic speaker for your event? Liliane is a fun-loving, vibrant and engaging speaker who offers a range of presentations from short one-hour talks to extended workshops. She has spoken at Writers Festivals and book launches, for Service Clubs, Assocations and...