Thanks to Peter Guthrie and Visual Hunt for this image.

Hi Liliane, 

That might seem like a dumb question but I reckon it’s pretty apt at the moment. I feel as if I want to go up to all the people I see wearing a mask while walking in the fresh air and ask: ‘If the government told you to drive at full speed into a brick wall, would you do it?’

I’m sure they’d say no – unless they were threatened with a fine, perhaps…

This business of fines and police brutality is understandably challenging the many people who might otherwise stand up to crazy mandates. They are going against their common sense and physical instincts, I’m sure, by wearing those blooming muzzles, largely because of the fear of a fine. Goes to show how many of us have become debt-slaves.

That is, perhaps, a slightly confrontational way to begin a blog – especially after such a long absence, so let me back up the truck and share some good news first.

We moved house, which is why I’ve been so quiet for so long. We’ve moved into a beautiful new home on an acre with a few established fruit trees and room to grow vegies – my next adventure! I’m about to learn about Permaculture and Syntropics!

I’ve also been busy editing and teaching – The Mastery Club program, a Short Story Writing course, my new ‘Sacred Writing’ course to help manage covid stress, a workshop for ‘gifted and talented’ kids, and another for the indigenous community. (Do reach out if any of these programs interest you.)

And I’ve been learning about Common Law, helping people to alkalise using Australia’s purest bicarb (see below), and making new friends in my new Queensland region.

I’d love to hear your news. Please catch me up! But for now, back to the truck and the brick wall… [NB There is an urgent need for action below re the Australia Digital Identity Bill

The key to not following insane mandates is personal empowerment. It requires courage, to be sure, but most especially it requires awareness and some knowledge of the law. (Ignorance is no excuse.) I’m going to share a new set of links and info below that I have found immensely useful in ‘screwing my courage to the sticking place’, to quote Lady Macbeth. 

What I really want to focus on in this blog, though, is the rift between those who cry ‘FREEDOM!’ at rallies etc. – you know who I mean, the ‘conspiracy theorists’ – and those who are earnestly promoting the jab so that ‘we can all be SAFE’.

I’m sure that you all know someone who has someone in the family whose health and safety is presumably threatened if someone else in the family doesn’t have the jab…

There are so many holes in this argument that I don’t know where to begin. Aside from the fact that it’s not actually a vaccine (the relevant companies have acknowledged that the injection is gene therapy => it will change your genetic expression); that it’s still in an experimental stage (also acknowledged on their websites); that it contains many toxic ingredients (see below); and that these companies have disturbing track records for harming individuals and whole populations (certain provinces in India won’t even allow Bill Gates in after his vaccines sterilised thousands of young women and girls; all the companies have had to pay out many millions for all sorts of corporate and health-related crimes)… aside from all of that, they have also admitted that the jab won’t prevent transmission of Covid-19 and will do little more than reduce symptoms(And that’s a fairly laughable claim since the symptoms of covid for most were never worse than a seasonal flu, and the adverse effects of the vax include heart disease, cancer, AIDS, neurological diseases and death, and those are all skyrocketing. There have been more deaths in the few months since the covid jab was administered than in the previous 40 years from ALL vaccines combined.)

Freedom vs Safety

Putting aside the inconsistencies in the vaccine narrative (above and below), clearly freedom and safety are important values. In fact, both sides want to be safe and free, but have slightly different interpretations and arguments.

1. One SAFETY argument is that we should all be jabbed to protect our elderly and family or community members who are sick or immunocompromised. 

2. The SAFETY argument from the other side of the fence is that being injected with a foreign, untested substance is extremely dangerous and risky. 

Both seem to be valid arguments but:

1a. In my view, the families who are emotionally manipulating members into being jabbed in order to see Grandma need to have a good hard think, especially when this action is likely to seriously compromise the health of the younger generations.

Even the elderly have emerged from a brush with Covid unscathed when in good health and/or taking the likes of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. Children bear no threat whatsoever to the elderly, as has been amply proven, whereas the threat to children of being masked or even just exposed to the vaccinated is considerable. 

Genetic conditions are not destiny or bad luck; they are triggered by acidosis in the body from poor diet and exposure to toxins, etc. – we all have the gene for cancer and herpes and Epstein Barr virus, but it’s only triggered if we provide the right environment for it to be activated. 

This might sound harsh, but why is it okay for someone who is in good health to compromise their health (and future children) for someone who has not looked after their health? When does responsibility kick in? I’m shocked that someone in their 80s would expect someone in their 20s or 30s to risk their health (for the rest of their lives) in order to preserve the safety of their elder.

Our bodies were magnificently designed, and when provided with the right inputs and supports, they can deal with almost anything. Those with co-morbidities are facing a pretty clear message that it’s time to clean up their health, not rely on yet another pill, potion or prick to save their arse…

2a. Everyone is entitled to say no when it comes to being injected with a foreign, untested substance.

The very least we should demand is that the ‘vaccines’ have been properly tested, and these have not. The ingredients are troubling (see below). Most people signing on for the jab don’t (a) fully understand what they are taking into their bodies, or (b) realise the likely long-term implications, (c) especially if they have signed away their right to compensation in the event of ill effects.

More and more doctors are observing that immune function drops away dramatically over time as the spike protein becomes active in the body following the jab. (AIDS = AutoImmune Deficiency Syndrome…) There are now thousands on thousands of testimonies from people seriously sick in the wake of their jab.

There is also now an abundance of evidence regarding the danger of the jab for both the vaccinated and unvaccinated (via transmission or shedding from the vaccinated). Eminent pro-vaccine scientists and doctors testify that transmission/shedding is making others sick. 

3. One FREEDOM argument is for the freedom to travel, attend concerts and sporting events, go to restaurants and participate in life fully again. Who doesn’t want that!

4. The other FREEDOM argument is for freedom of speech, freedom of movement and the right to have bodily autonomy. 

Both seem to be valid arguments but:

3a. Travel and full-life freedom are carrots that may not actually be delivered while the globalists are in charge.

Already the bar has been raised from one injection to two for all sorts of activities, and we hear that regular boosters are slated to become the norm. And how much of this great life will we get to enjoy if we are sick or controlled?

SICK: The injection already has a disastrous track record:

• thousands with debilitating reactions
• ambulance drivers and nurses are speaking out about the disturbing reactions they are observing in the jabbed
• the majority of covid cases in hospitals now are in the vaccinated, who carry something like a 250% greater viral load than the unvaxxed. Israel is a case in point, with soaring ‘breakthrough’ covid cases. 

Despite all of this, boosters are being pushed. 

CONTROLLED: The green passport signals the end of freedom for the West, and therefore the world. Naomi Wolf made an impassioned plea about this on social media a few months ago. She warned, as many others are, of the dangers of submitting to the vaccination/tracking program. 

• The Pfizer patent application (US 11,107,588 B2) was approved August 31st 2021 and is the very first patent that shows up in a list of over 18,500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the ‘internet of things’ by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of tall persons who’ve had the death-shot.

• Another patent proves that the vax is an obedience training platform. (Check out the G2G app already launched in Western Australia that hassles you to regularly check in whilst in quarantine to ‘help the police do their job’. There are fines up to $50,000 if you’re not where you’re supposed to be or don’t respond in a timely fashion…)

And there are all sorts of other troubling developments: some airlines are now discouraging people who’ve taken these shots from air travel because of clotting issues. I’ve heard of issues with insurance and of previously healthy pilots dying after being jabbed – even in flight, at the controls. Fortunately, there is some push-back: Southwest has seen a huge walk-off by those refusing to be jabbed. (Closer to home, see the Qantas pilot of 50 years’ experience speaking out about how he has left his job rather than be jabbed.)

4a. Without freedom of speech, movement and authority over our own bodies, we are slaves and vassals. And that is the endgame of the New World Order via a social credits and digital tracking system whereby one’s income and privileges can be switched off if one is not toeing the party line. (It’s no conspiracy theory if there is evidence. See above; more to come.)

The freedom vs safety dynamic is spilling over into the realm of jobs.

Right now, industry after industry is being manipulated into insisting on the jab so that workers can keep their jobs. That is so ethically bankrupt that I am staggered. 

• Since when did your boss become a medical expert? 
• Since when was the government a medical expert? 
• What happened to ‘my body, my choice’? 
• Will your employer care for you and your family if you get sick or die? 

Those who have come from totalitarian regimes have seen the writing on the wall from the beginning. They know there is no freedom or safety when we have given our rights away.

Fortunately, some companies are standing up, such as In-N-Out Burger in the States, who state: 

‘We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize our business. This is clear governmental overreach and is intrusive, improver and offensive.’ – Arnie Wensinger, Chief Legal & Business Officer.

But too many companies are lying down in the path of the bulldozer. And what is it all in aid of? ‘Getting back to NORMAL.’

A combination of lockdown fatigue, peer pressure and economic blackmail are driving many workers to the vaccine clinics. Sadly, most of these companies don’t realise that the bulldozer includes financial ruin for them once they are sued for ill health as a result of the vaccine they mandated. The government neatly sidestepped responsibility for this one by making it ‘optional’. 

There is plenty of evidence, however, that we’ll never get back to normal. This will either be because we’ll have delivered ourselves into the hands of the globalists and their communist social credits system, or because we have finally taken responsibility for decades of ignorance and denial, and have started to steer the ship away from our cushy past habits when we turned a blind eye to corruption, and have, instead, begun to reform all of our systems – banking, judicial, health, educational, political… 

I keep intending to write a short blog and then this happens…

So I’m going to stop here and come back in a few days to finish off.  There are more important questions and issues that need serious attention to ensure that we do not drive at full speed into brick walls!

Some info to explore

Meantime, please have your say about the ‘Trusted Digital Identity’ legislation currently before Parliament. The first two stages of this attempt by the Australian Government to completely remove our right to privacy (along with many other rights) went through quietly. We’re up to Phase 3 and only have until 5 pm AEDT on Wednesday 27th October to upload our submissions. It only needs to take 5 minutes to have your say on this critical issue. 

Please note these elements of the bill:
• facial verification, with biometric binding (ye old vaccine)
• combines govt, medical, bank, post, utilities, which means:
• you will have to use this DI to pay for bill/account payments, financial transactions, medical records, tax, voting, vehicle reg, business reg … 
• just this week Woolworths/Coles announced shopping will transition to QR Code for payment, including online shopping
• several countries overseas have now installed no vaxx/no food shopping – leaving people to starve
• DI will also likely be used for opening/holding email / social media accounts (since they have already floated the suggestion of 100-pt ID verification – to stop terrorism) – so they can track your every communication ‘legitimately’.

Email me for a copy of Simon Forrest’s 114-page ‘Non-consent’ document, a very thorough investigation into the whole covid conspiracy.

I highly recommend ‘Monopoly’, a fabulous documentary about who controls the world.

70% of people who die from covid in the UK are now fully vaccinated (1.5 minutes)

Australia: about 21 per million COVID cases pre-injections and now climbing to 80 cases per million post-injections! And the deaths are also climbing at 0.57 per million post injections, compared with 0.85 per million pre-injections. (Source: Our World in Data, 04/10/21) 

TGA stats early October: 564 deaths and 64,293 adverse events

Eight prominent doctors and scientists having a roundtable discussion (includes family and intensive care doctors, a psychiatrist, one of the chief architects of mRNA, and a hospital chief of staff): 

From Mark Latham re how to get around the vax passport.

Very encouraging developments from an ex-judge in SA.

And in South Africa where the Highest court is about to free the country from the New World Order and the Central Bank.

Inspiring companies in Lismore.

Something to make you laugh – JP Sears the life jacket/vax analogy.

Documentary project:

A group promoting sovereignty

Ex-Pfizer executive Mike Yeadon re the danger for children.

I HIGHLY recommend this site re one of the vax ingredients, but you will need a strong stomach.