A long long time ago (2006)
I self-published a novel called The Mastery Club – See the Invisible, Hear the Silent, Do the Impossible.

In 2007 it won an award for youth fiction
and I began giving talks and running workshops.
I received many many beautiful emails and messages of appreciation.

Within a couple of years I’d sold 5000 books,
putting it in the ‘Australian bestseller’ category.

In 2009 I was having coffee with an enthusiastic reader when she innocently asked me,
‘Is there anything I can do to help?’
‘Well, if you happen to know a film producer, that would be great!’ I joked.

Enter: The Universe.


Shortly after that conversation, this lovely lady (Jane Wansbone) was attending a spiritual meditation event
where the participants were asked to look for ways of assisting each other.
Jane met film producer Ade Djajamihardja and his wife and business partner, Kate Stephens,
and mentioned me and The Mastery Club.

It so happened that Ade had experienced a health crisis just recently.
As a result of that, he wanted to make his time on earth count.
He was looking for a project.

Quite a few film producers were demonstrating interest in The Mastery Club around then
but I was particularly interested in working with Ade and Kate
because they were inviting me to be involved (and even write the script).

And then life began to do its convoluted thing.
So even though we signed an MOU for a film,
we weren’t able to proceed.

In 2012 Ade had a stroke.
He immediately applied his conscious attention to healing.
As part of that journey he wrote his own book, The Little Book of Hope For Stroke Survivors, Caregivers And Anyone Else Going Through A Really Shit Time.

Then he started working in his industry again,
and in 2019 he and Kate reapproached me regarding The Mastery Club.
In January we signed an agreement for a screen adaptation…

So watch this space!!!

Ade Kate LG