I’ve already had a few readers respond with interest regarding yesterday’s blog about Jesus not being a historical figure, but instead, a spiritual / religious / metaphorical literary figure. Now for the next instalment!
We finished on the comment that this second blog would “be about the very deeply symbolic meaning of the Jesus story, the meaning that goes right inside our bodies, our temples… It takes us back to that comment my mother made that the correct appellation was ‘Jesus the Christed’.”
Here’s a clue from the First Testament:
Corinthians 13:5. “Do you not know that Jesus Christ is within you?”
The ‘juicy juicy’ is that the story of Jesus is metaphorical for the journey of a sacred oil the brain produces that travels down the spine from the pineal and pituitary glands, and then back up to those glands. When this process within the body occurs correctly and fully, it activates 100% of the brain.

Image courtesy Pixabay and Loaivat
Now to decode the symbolism – and may I add that this is not my scholarship but that of Samael Aun Weor, as described in his book The Perfect Matrimony. I heard of him via Santos Bonacci (Syncretism), who was describing this process in a video, and then I heard a really clear explanation given by Steve Falconer (Spacebusters Bitchute channel) during a presentation he was giving on the Alfa Vedic channel (The Christos Oil and Salts of Life with Steve Falconer, Dr Barre Lando and Mike Winner).
• Jesus (the oil) is in Nazareth (the head/brain) with Mary (the pituitary gland) and Joseph (the pineal gland).
• The cerebral spinal system is an extension of the brain.
• The upper room where Jesus met the disciples = 12 cranial nerves = the holy land
/ the promised land of Israel.
• Mary symbolises the pituitary gland = ‘the land flowing with milk’, the moon, the feminine, the magnetic, and is connected to the Ida nerve channel. The pituitary gland magnetically charges the fluid.
• Joseph symbolises the pineal gland = ‘… and honey’, the masculine, the electrical, and is connected to the Pingala nerve channel. The pineal gland electrically charges the fluid.
• ‘Christos’ is Greek for oil; later it was shortened to ‘Christ’.
• Jesus (the oil) goes down the river Jordan (the spine) to Bethlehem next to the Dead Sea (sacral bone). God descending from heaven to earth, or Jesus coming down from heaven into physical form, is symbolic of the oil coming down from the brain. Joseph and Mary, the pineal and pituitary glands, wait for Jesus, the oil, to return.
• Jesus being crucified is the sacred oil crossing the vagus nerve.
• Jesus being left for three days in the cave is symbolic of the sacred fluid staying in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine for that period.
• Jesus being resurrected means that the Kundalini is activated to raise the oil back up the spine. It symbolises being born again and turning matter into spirit. The oil being saved and not destroyed activates the Kundalini energy, which will turn the oil into a gas, and rise back up the 33 vertebrae to the Medulla Oblongata.
• The 33 years of Jesus’ life is symbolised by the 33 vertebrae the oil travels past.
• The gas will then pass to the pineal gland and then to the cerebrum, which will rebirth/resurrect all brain cells, activate the pineal gland, and regenerate all the cells in the body. This process is symbolised as being born again.
Corinthians 6:19 -20: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price so glorify God in your body.”
“Glorify God in your body” = raising the chrism / Christ oil up the spine by looking after the body (temple).
Here’s another explanation of it, again, courtesy Steve Falconer:
The Christ/Chrism Oil
When the moon enters your sun sign (your birth zodiac sign), a psycho-physical oil is released from the brain down the spine to the sacrum bone. This sacred fluid must be cared for and not destroyed by acidic foods and liquids. Also, our sexual energy/fluids must be retained if we wish to raise the psycho-physical oil back to our brain (heaven). (Tantra teaches us to retain those fluids; that when men ejaculate they feel tired because they have lost vital energy. It seems that those apparently narrow-minded warnings about masturbation were based in truth…)
By opening our chakras, preserving our sexual energy, and maintaining the Christ oil, we can use the power behind the sexual energy (Kundalini) to raise it up from the base of the spine back to the crown chakra in the brain.
Awakening the seven chakras and raising the Kundalini to the crown chakra, causes new energy pathways to open up within the brain. This apparently feels like your head becomes hollow on the inside. The brain undergoes a remodelling process, expanding its capacity from roughly 10% of usage to the complete 100%. Dormant areas of the brain are unlocked, signalling a new way of brain functioning and experiencing the world. The Kundalini, over time, becomes a self-sustaining energy circuit that grows stronger.
How to raise the oil:
Retain your sexual fluids
Consume an alkaline diet
No consumption of acidic foods or fluid
No alcohol
Kundalini meditation
Balancing chakras
Keeping your tongue on the top of your mouth
Proper breathing
Psalms 137:6 “My tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy.”
Santa Claus too!
The part of the brain that produces the psycho-physical fluid which then goes to the pineal and pituitary glands is called the claustrum. (Santa Claus going from the roof [claustrum] down the chimney [spine] through the fireplace into the house [base of spine], and leaving gifts…)
No doubt we have just scratched the surface of this fascinating symbolic story.
I gather that Moses is also not a historical figure…
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