Self-harming – a conscious act?

Self-harming – a conscious act?

I had an unexpected realisation today. A friend has been taken ill and it struck me that a pretty good detox would probably handle much of the issue. This person is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy who has only lately begun to eat a few vegies. He’s dealing with a...
Ball Tampering In The Light of Universal Laws

Ball Tampering In The Light of Universal Laws

I thought I’d weigh in with some thoughts about the cricket ball tampering issue. Given my value on ‘The Whole News’, I’ve been pleased to see that the latest conversation about this issue has questioned the punishments imposed on the ‘guilty trio’. I don’t...
A bestseller without the ‘growth bits’?

A bestseller without the ‘growth bits’?

On Boxing Day we had lunch with friends and one woman, who had just read WANTED: GREENER GRASS, commented that my new novel would be a raging bestseller if it weren’t for the ‘personal growth bits’ in the book. ‘People don’t want that sort of thing,’ she said....