The Ultimate Creativity

A Creativity course led by an art teacher makes us think about drawing and painting and pottery types of creativity, but in its broadest sense, creativity is about creating anything, including one’s life – as my new Mastery Club Trainee Facilitator, Joan Marie,...

‘We are practising our ability to create.’

Synchronicity strikes again. A few weeks ago I was invited to Unity Church to hear a friend speak, and while there I happened to meet a young woman of indigenous heritage, Rachel Shields. I’d been wanting to open the Book Launch with an Aboriginal...

House Hunting – and ‘the catch’

The dust has settled on our house move at last! It seems to have taken AGES. Which I guess is realistic when you are moving five people and effectively three home-based businesses. So if I seem to have been silent for a while, that is why! I do love moving house...

Real Magic and Mastery for Your Kids

My daughters are listening to one of the Harry Potter books on audio – I can hear Harry crying out ‘Expecto Patronum!’, the spell that summons a protective guardian energy. Many parents have been as caught up in the magic and mystery of their children’s fantasy books...