by liliane_grace | Oct 18, 2013 | Mastery
How to extract the wisdom, opportunities and benefits from difficult experiences. We’ve all heard the truism that it’s not how many times we fall down that matters, it’s how many times we get up. (And the other one about getting back on the horse.) Which is all good...
by liliane_grace | Aug 20, 2013 | Mastery
When I returned from Bali with my swollen, churning belly, I didn’t have the energy for anything but reading; it so happened that the page I was up to in my Demartini book delivered some profound insights that stopped me in my tracks. (Synchronicity yet...
by liliane_grace | Jan 10, 2013 | Mastery
A Creativity course led by an art teacher makes us think about drawing and painting and pottery types of creativity, but in its broadest sense, creativity is about creating anything, including one’s life – as my new Mastery Club Trainee Facilitator, Joan Marie,...
by liliane_grace | Aug 28, 2012 | Mastery
If you’ve seen the movie, The Help, you’ll recognise the phrase, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important” as the greeting that black maid Aibileen gives each day to her young white charge. As a young...
by liliane_grace | Jul 31, 2012 | Mastery
Those of you who have heard me speak know that the process I’ve been through since writing The Mastery Club has been quite transformational. I went from a place where my family was in breakdown and I had effectively given up on my dreams as a writer to having a...
by liliane_grace | Jul 12, 2012 | Mastery
Synchronicity strikes again. A few weeks ago I was invited to Unity Church to hear a friend speak, and while there I happened to meet a young woman of indigenous heritage, Rachel Shields. I’d been wanting to open the Book Launch with an Aboriginal...
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